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Thera: About

Volunteer Website Redesign

What We Were Curious About


To research and discover the sign-up experience when searching for volunteer opportunities.

Team Members

Simone Tobias

Mergim Shalaj

Mariyam El Shrieff

Lily Chen

Research Methods

Screener Survey

User Interviews

Affinity Map

Persona & Problem Statement

User Journey Map


Design Methods

Design Studio

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

Usability Testing

High-Fidelity Prototype

Looking For Some Volunteers


We conducted an initial screener survey to get a diverse pool of participants using a critical qualifying question to prospectives of having volunteer experience.

An Insight To Their Emotions And Mindsets


Our conversations with individuals whom have previously volunteered unveiled  some identifying insights about their goals, needs, and  painpoints which were invaluable in creating "I" statements. 

I find it frustrating that volunteer websites are not user friendly

I need to be able to filter volunteer opportunities based on my preferences

I want the sign-up process to be streamlined

Getting To Know Who They Are


Our research led us to our persona, Alex. She represents the results of our findings. Her pain points were shared amongst the other participants.  Her needs and goals are aligned with the data collected from the interviews.

Empathize With The Problem To Design The Right Solution


Alex is eager to volunteer, but finds the process convoluted and time consuming.


How might we help Alex have a streamlined volunteer process based on her preferences?

Initial Testing Of Current Website


We performed a usability test of the current website to discover the user's experience when searching for a volunteer opportunity.

Making Changes That Matter


Based on the data from our interviews and the results of the usability testing, we implemented changes to sign-up process in order to enhance the primary breakpoint experience.  Additionally, we created a secondary breakpoint to enable the user to access the service on a mobile device.

Next Steps

  • While users found the pop-up feature very useful for saving time on navigating the site, we can further improve differentiation between pop-ups on the site to make sure users know whether they signed up for a volunteer event, registered a new account, or orientation.

  • Consider adding a map feature to the site so users can know how far they are from the event.

  • Conduct further usability testing.



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